Wednesday, 13 July 2011

How to Improve Your Computer Skills
Improving your computer skills is necessary, in these times of changing technology. Having great computer skills can present a lot of opportunities, including an increase in your income. Take a look at some of my suggestions below.
1.         A great way to improve your computer skills is to enroll in a computer course. If you don't want to take it in a traditional classroom, try enrolling in an online program.
2.      There is a lot of computer learning software that you can purchase in the stores or online. is a great place to start. You can start from the basic learning programs and move your way up to the more advance levels.
3.       Visit computer forums online. There are so many technical information that you can learn from those forums. If you are not sure about something, post your questions and it will be answered.
4.       Improve your computer skills by reading technical literature. Rent books from the library or surf the internet. There is a lot of educational information that can be found on the internet.
5.       Do you know anyone who has a geeky background? Now is the time to be-friend them. They have a wealth of information to share. I am sure that they would be more than happy to share some of their technical skills with you.
Puisi untuk Guru
Puisi 1
Bila murid duduk
cikgu berdiri
bila murid diseligi
cikgu pulak kena gari
murid datang naik BMW 7 siri
cikgu datang motor buruk cukai jalan pon mati
murid belajar sampai PhD
cikgu baru berkira nak sambung degree
namun begitu
di dunia cikgu berbakti
moga di akhirat syurga menanti
Puisi 2
Guru bagaikan NTV7
kerana “Ceria Selalu”
Guru juga kadang kala seperti TV 3
kerana “menjadi inspirasi hidupku”
yang pasti
Guru bagaikan serifm “sentiasa di hati”
dan yang paling penting
guru bagaikan pakej astro kerana
“macam macam ada”
Puisi 3
Waktu pelajar sakit,
guru menjadi doktor
waktu pelajar buat kes,
guru menjadi polis
waktu pelajar bayar yuran,
guru menjadi akauntan
waktu pelajar berkhemah,
guru menjadi rambo
waktu pelajar keliru,
guru menjadi penunjuk arah
Teruskan perjuangan yang mulia
ikhlaskanlah hati.